Crane Rental Minute E1 – Rough Terrain Crane

Category : Mobile Crane

Hey guys is Chris Martin, with the crane rental podcast coming at you today, with our one-minute crane minute video that sounds more redundant. It’S our one-minute video about cranes. Today, we’re going to talk about the Archie crane, typically considered a rough terrain crane because of these bad boys right here, I’m 63. This comes up to my shoulder. Almost we have a Grove Archie 9100, where the tire comes up over my head.

Almost these rough terrain cranes have these large all-terrain rough terrain. Crane tires. I don’t can I say, tires anymore. Maybe so you can see how it’s not stout grooved out. These heavy tires make it possible for this crane to go through mud, sand, steep inclines, carry loads and pick and carry loads.

This is your crane for a job that is a not the nicest most paved job right. This thing can go through a lot and that’s why they call these rough terrain cranes because of these rough terrain tires alright guys. This is the crane minute with Chris Martin from the crane rental podcast, we’ll see you next week for another crane minute episode.

Read More: ALL Erection and Crane Rental – Construction Equipment

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